Phrygian inscriptions identified after The Phrygian Language (2020)

Bartomeu Obrador Cursach
2 min readFeb 12, 2020


In The Phrygian Language (Brill, 2020) I gathered all the Phrygian inscriptions know by that time. Fortunately, however, more Phrygian inscriptions have been published or identified after the book was closed. I will continuously update this list with the references of the novelties. Discussions will be left aside. Note that this list does not include further discussions, only the text editions. I also offer at the end of the document the current list of the Phrygian inscriptions. If you notice something is missing, please contact me at

Last modified: 23/08/2021. Total Phrygian inscriptions: 525

Old Phrygian


Tamsü Polat, Rahşan, Polat, Yusuf, and Lubotsky Alexander, 2020, “An Idol-shaped Stele with an Old Phrygian Inscription in the Territory of Nakoleia”, Gephyra 19, 45–67. Available at:


Façade with Old Phrygian inscription(s). Announcement available at:


Yıldırım, Şahin, 2021, “Tieion Akropolisi”. Belleten, Ağustos 2021, Cilt: 85/Sayı: 303; 383–422. P. 419, Figür 13 [only photo]. Available at:

B-110 ?

Yıldırım, Şahin, 2021, “Tieion Akropolisi”. Belleten, Ağustos 2021, Cilt: 85/Sayı: 303; 383–422. P. 419, Figür 13 [only photo]. Available at:


Rose, C. Brian, and Gürsan-Salzmann, Ayşe, 2019, Friends of Gordion newsletter, October 2019, 14 and 18. Available at:


Oreshko, Rostislav. 2021. “The onager kings of Anatolia: Hartapus, Gordis, Muška and the steppe strand in early Phrygian culture”. Kadmos 2020, 59(1/2), 108–109. Available at:


Baştürk, Mahmut Bilge, and Avram, Alexandru, 2019, “A Newly Discovered Old Phrygian Inscription from Şarhöyük (Dorylaion)”, Ancient West & East 18, 231–239. Available at:




Obrador-Cursach, Bartomeu, 2019, “Two Unnoticed Phrygian Seals from the Borowski Collection and a Comment on Old Phrygian Dd-103”, in Ignasi-Xavier Adiego, José Virgilio García Trabazo, Mariona Vernet, Bartomeu Obrador-Cursach and Elena Martínez Rodríguez (eds.), Luwic dialects and Anatolian: inheritance and diffusion, Barcelona, IPOA, 206–208. Available at:


Obrador-Cursach, Bartomeu, 2019, “Two Unnoticed Phrygian Seals from the Borowski Collection and a Comment on Old Phrygian Dd-103”, in Ignasi-Xavier Adiego, José Virgilio García Trabazo, Mariona Vernet, Bartomeu Obrador-Cursach and Elena Martínez Rodríguez (eds.), Luwic dialects and Anatolian: inheritance and diffusion, Barcelona, IPOA, 208–210. Available at:

New Phrygian

34.2 (132)

Anfosso, Milena, 2021, “Les inscription néo-phrygiennes : une revendication d’identité ethnique” in L. Locatelli, E. Piguet and S. Podestà, S. (eds.), Constructions identitaires en Asie Mineure (VIIIe siècle avant J.-C.–IIIe siècle après J.-C.)., Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté (Suppléments des Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne), p. 112–113 (edition) and p. 118–119 fig. 1–4 (photos). Avaiable at:

